makin’ moves, changes, & outstanding relationships (Bloggers in Sin City)

Saturday night. 2:30 a.m. The Vegas strip. I’d wound my way out of a red-tinged dance club in the Venetian, exhausted and lost, my white lace dress annoyingly hiking up my sunburned legs. My hair was sweaty. My lipstick wasn’t really a thing anymore, and my shoes that were chosen for both their glitter content & comfort level were rubbing that place on the back of my heel that made me want to cry.

White party. White dresses. White people...?!

White party. White dresses. White people…?!

And as I strode past the throngs of Vegas drunks, decked to the nines and putting money in machines, I couldn’t help but think how unbelievably and mind-blowing happy I was. Because despite being alone, lost, and tired, I wasn’t scared.

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llamas, braininade (brain marinade?)​, and an outfit any kei$ha would envy

I grew up being super into performance theater. In one of my improv classes, we were told to alwaysALWAYS say yes to the love. The bottom line is that in a scene, and, yes keeps momentum going, allowing stories to feed and grow as the people progress.